What’s on
Children & Young people

Sunday - Creche, GNR8 & Revolve
Our Young People Groups, on during the Sunday Morning Service, cater for toddlers up to 16. Everyone is together in the main church at the start of the Sunday worship and then the young people leave for their groups. A creche is also available.

Kidzone - Mondays (6.30-7.30pm)
A kids club for children in P1-P6. Lots of songs, games and fun. We meet during term times.

Lighthouse Tots - Tuesdays & Wednesdays (10-11.30am)
Parent (or grandparent) and toddlers group. Structured fun and games with the toddlers. Snack provided for toddlers and adults. Forming real community between toddlers and adults. We meet during term times.

Mainly Music - Thursdays (11am-12noon)
Babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and parents treated to music and story, activity and interaction, structured and unstructured fun.We meet during term times.

Youth Club - Thursdays (7-9pm)
A youth club for P7-S6. Lots of activities, games and trips away. We meet during term times.

Transforming Lives For Good
A mentoring and support programme working alongside local schools

Providing community

Lighthouse Café – Tuesdays (10am-12noon)
A community café – offering tea, coffee, cooked rolls, cakes etc. But much more than a café – it is a place to enjoy the company of others and enjoy the care of our wonderful volunteers.

Wellbeing Café – Wednesdays (11am – 1pm)
A smaller café than the lighthouse café that meets in the Church Lounge. It is a place of calm, company and compassion. If you need a space to unwind, you will find rest and support here.

Sporting Memories – Wednesdays (11am-1pm)
Seeking to use sporting memories and physical activity to help tackle dementia, depression and loneliness through the power of sport.

Women’s Fellowship – Fortnightly on Mondays (1.45pm-3pm)
Women’s meeting with various speakers throughout the year. Always there is tea and cake at our meetings!

Craft Group – Last Saturday of every month (10am-12noon)
For all crafters and those who want to learn new skills. Anybody, any age is welcome. We work on our own crafting projects, but if you don’t have one, or want to learn new skills, you are welcome to come along and join in with whatever is happening.

Men’s events – Friday mornings or evenings regularly throughout the year
Regular events throughout the year on either Friday mornings or evenings. Get-togethers, meals, speakers, trips away.

Women’s events
We try to arrange a weekend away for the women once a year where we can spend time relaxing in one another’s company and learning together in worship and teaching. We also try to arrange the occasional evening together throughout the year.
providing support

Foodbank – Sundays (2.30pm-4pm)
As part of the East Kilbride Churches Community Foodbank provision, we provide a Foodbank that runs every Sunday afternoon.

Trauma Healing Course – 6-week course, usually runs 2 or 3 times a year
This course was developed by the Bible Society, using scripture and best mental health principles, to help people with heart wounds find healing and become more resilient. This course is not a substitute for professional care or counselling, but it has enabled many to find healing to wounds of the heart.

CAP Money Course – 3-week course, usually runs in October
This is a course designed to help people budget, save and spend better. At the end of this course the hope is you will feel more that you are in control of your expenses rather than your expenses controlling you. Whether you feel you manage your money well or you need guidance and help, there is something in this course for you.

Parentzone Course – 4-week course, usually runs in November/ December
A 4-week course for parents with guidance and tips on good parenting practice. Strong and secure family is key to children in their upbringing. This course aims to help all parents provide that strong and secure foundation for your children.

Healthy Marriage/Relationship Course – 7-week course, usually runs January/February
Whether your relationship is doing well or whether it could do with some guidance for improving things – this course is full of helpful advice on how to build strong foundations, keep communication open and deal in a healthy way with any conflicts.

Pastoral Care Team
We have a Pastoral Team in the church who meet throughout the year to ensure that we are aware of and keeping an eye out for everyone in the church and responding to needs as they arise.

Kerith Counselling Service
We have close links with a professional counselling service in East Kilbride – Kerith Counselling, 23 Montgomery Street, East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 4JS (Tel: 01355 265826)

Providing spiritual growth

Sunday Services – every Sunday at 11am.
Time for us to gather as a church family for teaching, worship and fellowship together.
Additionally, we also have an Early Communion at 9.45am on the 1st Sunday of the month and we have either a 4pm or 6.30pm Service once a month on the 3rd Sunday of the month (see the ‘Church Calendar’ section of the website to confirm when all services are on).

Home Groups – Tuesday evenings, Thursday and Friday mornings
We have five home groups that meet. Each of them meets fortnightly rather than weekly. An opportunity to get together in a smaller group where everyone gets to form closer friendships and to learn from the Bible and pray together.

Alpha Course – 11-week course, usually runs March-May
This is a course designed to answer many of the questions people may have who are interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. It comprises of – a meal together, a video with a talk and then an informal discussion. It is a tried and tested course that has proved a massive blessing for many people.

Discipleship Course – 8-week course, usually runs August-October
For those who have gone through the Alpha Course and then want to move on in the Christian faith and learn more of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. This course has been put together by Westwood Baptist and is tailored to helping people become lifelong, committed disciples.

Taketime Spiritual Meditation – 1st Thursday of the month (10.30am-11.30am)
Sessions begin with a couple of mindfulness relaxation exercises, a reflection on a scripture passage and a time of listening. After a short refreshment break there is a short time of reflection on the story we have heard. A time of peacefully coming to Jesus and meeting with him through gospel stories.

Monthly Church Prayer Meeting – 3rd Wednesday of the month (7.30pm-8.30pm)
In addition to our Home Groups, once a month we gather for one hour to pray together as a church family. We pray for the world, the nation, our local community and our church.

Intercessory Prayer Group – 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month (12noon-1pm)
A twice monthly meeting to meet and pray for world and local needs. If anyone wishes prayer they can request it and this group will pray for them as they meet.

Monday Prayer Space – Mondays (11am-1pm)
A gathering for prayer, not just from our own church but from other local churches as well. A time to wait on God and ask for God’s work in East Kilbride to be accomplished through our prayers. A time of personal renewal and healing.